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Westchester Physician – November-December 2023 Volume 39, Issue 10
I’m curious how many of you will make the connection with the title of this piece. No, it is not pointing out that I as president of WCMS wear a “Lion’s Mane” which you can see by my picture is a stretch! I did back in the early 70’s sport an impressive...
Westchester Physician – October 2023 Volume 39, Issue 9
The Sunday Time’s book review of March 6 contained an interesting review of a book entitled The Fever of 1721: The Epidemic That Revolutionized Medicine and American Politics by Stephen Coss...
Westchester Physician – September 2023 Volume 39, Issue 8
Medicine for many us practitioners, particularly those of us that have been doing this for a while, can become fairly routine. For the primary care doctors, we tend to see the same sort of things over and over. We do checkups...
Westchester Physician – July – August 2023 Volume 39, Issue 7
I am at that stage of my career that I often reflect back on its course. All and all, I have few regrets. It has been a very satisfying journey and I am still jolted from time to time with a new fact or a disorder I am finally seeing for the first time...
Westchester Physician – June 2023 Volume 39, Issue 6
The following is the departing speech of the outgoing President of the WCMS , Bruce Molinelli MD FACS, delivered at the Annual Meeting on June 8, 2023....
Westchester Physician – May 2023 Volume 39, Issue 5
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI): FRIEND OR FOE, HAL OR HELL? Am I really writing this or did I get ChatGPT to produce this month’s newsletter? Perhaps you have you’re own opinion but only I truly know what I did...
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