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Westchester Physician – December 2021 Volume 37, Issue 10
To get to Katonah, a small village in Northern Westchester, from New York City, one can take the train as so many have done since rail service was first established in the 1850’s. Getting off the train from New York, one crosses over...
Westchester Physician – November 2021 Volume 37, Issue 9
I have been a doctor for almost 40 years. Along the way, I have treated and diagnosed thousands of diseases and conditions. It is very satisfying and I don’t mind seeing the same maladies over and over again. The way I look at it, each...
Westchester Physician – September-October 2021 Volume 37, Issue 8
It is strange to refer to early July of this year as a halcyon period, less than three months ago, but add that to the list of strange unbelievable things of the COVID era. My wife and I were feeling buoyed by the increasingly warm weather...
Westchester Physician – August 2021 Volume 37, Issue 7
Merriam-Webster defines “hero” as “a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities.” There is no question that physicians have earned that accolade over the past 18 months. Seemingly overnight, physicians were called on...
Westchester Physician – June-July 2021 Volume 37, Issue 6
Thank you all for coming tonight. A little less than a year ago I gave my inaugural speech at the beginning of my term via Zoom. This beats the heck out of that – it is so nice to be here in person and see all of you. Before I begin I like...
Westchester Physician – May 2021 Volume 37, Issue 5
This will be my final president’s column, but be assured I will continue to write my regular column. It goes without saying that this has been quite a year. Our lives were upended in all sorts of unexpected ways. We are thankful for modern...
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